Brett Klamer

LaTeX Résumé Template

Moderncv Based Template

A Moderncv based LaTeX template with built in cover letter and references. Make sure to compile with LuaLaTeX as XeLaTeX has a long-term bug in xdvipdfmx. CFF type OTF fonts with non 1000 EM size render with inflated glyphs in Adobe Reader (source). This affects the FontAwesome icons. Guess how long I didn’t know this and guess who uses Adobe Reader…


Cover Letter
Moderncv Resume

A Jean-luc Doumont Inspired Template

A minimal, visually appealing design based on Jean-luc Doumont’s Curriculum Vitae booklet. In accordance with his style, you will need to manually edit the spacings and word placement to fit your design requirements.


Minimal Resume

Or if bullets are what you need:


Minimal Resume

Published: 2014-11-02
Last Updated: 2016-11-25